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Category Writing

Time of the Rose Freebie

Prologue Wyoming Territory, 1878 Lightning snapped, serrating a sterling lance through blackened, churning storm clouds with unimaginable force. The ground beneath his boots jolted in a peal of tooth-rattling thunder. Thick brows furrowed in puzzlement at a mysterious vapor gyrating…

The Infamous Pearl DeVere

As we travel back in time to 1896, I’d like to introduce Pearl DeVere, the proprietor of the classiest bordello in the gold mining mecca of Cripple Creek, Colorado. I grew up engrossed in Colorado history, particularly that of Cripple Creek.…

“Doc Susie”

Remember the 1990s TV series, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman? (Joe Lando was such a hottie!) Read on to learn about the inspiration behind the character. Four-year-old Susan Anderson recalled her mother and father, William and Mary, arguing.…a lot. In 1874,…